Disguised unemployment:- when more people are engaged in some activity than the number of persons required for that, this is called disguised unemployment.

Budget:- constitutional requirement
vote on account--->temporary budget
and then they have to form next budget
common fund---->consolidated fund
Excise---tax of industries
b/w the states

calculation of inflation?
60% of irrigation depends on the south-west monsoon & just 40% on irrigation.
consumer price index
whole sale price index
how to measure role of technology in economic growth

selling costs
consumer surplus

WIPO--->world intellectual property organization

process patent
product patent

Indian national patent office is in Kolkata
perfect competition never existed


great depression
components of macro economics
aggregate demand, supply
public spending
role of extra spending

depression--->declining investment--->leads to decline in demand
                                                             --->decline in employment


Govt income
tax revenue
non-tax revenue

deficit financing
ex: 10000 cr. income to govt
15000 cr. spent money
so developing countries print extra money and they pump money so private sectors are attracted to grab money and they invest.

circular flow of money
in india progressive taxation as income increases tax also increases

GDP--->3/5 th is based on consumption expenditure
western countries depends on production expenditure

tax GDP ratio--->10.9%
direct tax: corporate tax (large tax), income tax
exchange, customs duty, devaluation

is it good to circulate our currency outside the country

growth --->growth of national income
compared to last year 4.9% inc in national income of country

VAT--->value added tax

central statistical institution---CSO measures national income

economies---> shadow, black, parallel, phantom underground, black market

estimates equivalent to 40% of country's GDP

demand pull vs cost push inflation
 hyper inflation:- hue inc in % of inflation

urban non manual employees

cpi or wpi
60% of our NI comes from services sector
services are not included in whole sale where as included in retailers

OECD---->organization economic co operation & development

fiscal ploicy & monetary ploicy

purchasing power determines the value of currency

monetary authority---> RBI

money market--->RBI (short term funds)
capital market--->SEBI (long term funds)

SEBI---->security exchange board of india

nationalization of banks---> in 1949
1955, 1969, 1980
if more than 50% holds by govt. then the bank is called national bank

nationalized banks--26
pvt. banks--19
foreign banks--32

co operative banks are controlled by NABARD even though it is called bank it is not a bank, it is just refinancing agriculture.

control methods
CRR--cash reserve ratio

by increasing crr interest rate inc and money from economy goes to bank

quantitative credit control methods or selective
fixing margin
credit rations
moral suasion
direct action
if forign banks are present in india transfer money easily with low cost than depositing money directly to indian banks

Global financial crisis---how it effected india ---how india escaped 

fiscal ploicy(gvt policies)
taxation policy--direct, indirect
public debt policy
public expenditure policy
budgetary policies---RD, BD, FD, PD
revenue deficit, budgetary deficit


Globalization, glocalisation 12 th five year plan quality of education & human resources
new economy policy--1991--->

structural adjustment loans--->new economic plans
IMF giving loan piece by piece depends on performance
